Get in touch on 07725 583628, alternatively call our office on 01978 710585 or Make an enquiry

Environmental values

It is our aim to reduce waste and recycle wherever possible.

Environmental protection

Axcess Tree Services recognises the importance of environmental protection. We are committed to operating responsibly in compliance with all legal environmental requirements and the prevention of pollution.

All of our tree waste is recycled

The branches are chipped into re-usable mulch (biomass) and the wood is processed into firewood that heats our family home and office.


All our machinery is purchased with environmental protection in mind, and is kept regularly serviced and maintained to ensure optimum performance.  Machinery is turned off when not in use or running idle.


Bio oil is used in all our chainsaws.


Pesticides are used in accordance with the Pesticides Regulations Act 1986 part III of the Food and and Environmental Protection Act 1985.


Nesting birds and their eggs are protected under The wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Countryside Right of way  Act 2000.  Many other species of animals are also protected such as bats and badgers.  In the event of protected species or roosts being discovered during operations, we will stop work immediately and inform the relevant authorities for further advice.


We are trained in recognising potential bat roosts and ensure to undertake a habitat disturbance assessment at all sites before work commences.

Get in touch on 07725 583628, alternatively call our office on 01978 710585 or Make an enquiry